Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mixed Media Cityscape, Abstract Painting, Contemporary Art, Expressionism, “5 Alarm” by Contemporary Artist Tracy Lupanow

"I personally will never forget that people are more important than buildings." 
- Harvey Milk

The graffiti in this painting resides on the building across the alley from where I live. I became curious seeing it daily. What does it mean? Who painted it? Why did the artist decide to climb down the fire escape from the roof to paint it? I took a photo of it as I usually do with things that interest me. I knew it would become part of a future painting.

Then an incredible thing happened! While my painting was on display at an art festival, I noticed two young men spending a lot of time studying it. Of course, I needed to find out what it was that caught their attention. As I approached, one of them turned to me and asked, "Do you know what this is?" I replied, "It's graffiti on the building across from my condo." He said, "No, it is much more than that. It was painted by a graffiti artist as a memorial for another graffiti artist who passed away in a motorcycle accident."

Wow, all the questions I had about the graffiti were answered!! Now when I look out my window and see that beautiful writing, I can feel the admiration and love from one artist to another.

Painted with acrylic, oil pastel, ink pencil and copies of my b&w photos. Mounted and framed in a beautiful black floater frame.

21.5"x23.5"x 1.25" Mixed Media on Watercolor Paper/Available


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