Saturday, March 17, 2012

"PARKVIEW 3", contemoprary mixed media tree forest series © Carol Nelson Fine Art

Parkview 3

This is another in my Forest Series.  "Tangerine" is supposed to be the IN color this year.  That's right up my alley, since I seem to get some tone of orange into just about everything.

In this painting, I used several different papers and papyrus. Below are progress photos.

Here I've toned the canvas and started to add collage papers.

Adding the large tree trunks made from papyrus.  Darkened the left side to balance the dark trunks and to prepare a dark background for lighter tree forms to come.

Now the tree forms are glued down and I can stand the painting up on my easel.  Several more glazes of color to come.

Branches are added and color is deepened.  I thought the large dark brown trunks were too severe, so added some blue to lighten them up.

For more information on this painting, click here to go to my website.

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