Thursday, November 25, 2010

"Sophie" Beeswax Collage By Donna Holdsworth

This Beeswax Collage is done on 11x14 stretched canvas.  Multiple papers, fabric, botanicals and colored pencils were used.  Double click image to enhance.  This was my first attempt using natural beeswax.  For information, please contact me at  Thank you.


  1. Hi Donna,I like your beeswax collage. Have you every tried melting crayons with your iron to make colors, layering on top of the collage? I tried this trying to give my work an encaustic feel and liked the way it turned out.

  2. Hi Leada, Thank you! I love all of your work! I never tried the crayons but it did cross my mind. Wasn't sure if it would work! I'll try them on the next collage! Thanks for the tip!
